Perform housekeeping duties

Group One Members.
•Devon Laing

Introduction……………………..> Devon Laing
•Identifying Hazard and………...>Phillip Williams
Evaluating the Risk.
•Determine How to Resolve…..>Andrew Barnes
Hazardous Problems.
•Record and Review Hazards…>Oushane Ashman
•Disposal of Computer Parts.
•Tools Used for fixing and cleaning.
•Questions and References.


To some people, the word “housekeeping” can interpret as cleaning floors and surfaces, removing dust, and organizing clutter. But in a work setting, it means much more. Housekeeping is crucial to workplaces safety. When referring to computers, housekeeping is a term used to describe the optimization of a hard drive. Housekeeping commonly involves removing old or unused files and programs, backing up data, or running disk utilities such as a ScanDisk, Defrag, or an antivirus scan. Housekeeping keeps the computer organized, running properly, and should be performed at least once a year or every three months depending on the environment it keeps in or the work it’s been use for.

But not only that, housekeeping is all the above and more, such as preventing damage to yourself, others, and properties. You can help prevent injuries and improve productivity and morale, as well as make a good first impression on visitors.
Take this picture for example, what would the industry standards say about it? Lets find out. 
Please call the fire station my housekeeping skill is very poor!

Personal Presentation Standards

What is meant by personal presentation?
Personal Presentation. ... Although personal presentation is key in one-to-one situations such as a conversation, in a group situation such as a meeting, or when giving a presentation such as a talk or speech it is also important in less formal situations, when socializing with friends, for example.

And so it takes us to Organisational Standards.
Organisational standards outline the way in which business is to be conducted and govern what is deemed as acceptable behaviour in the workplace.

Employees must maintain a high level of personal hygiene presenting a clean, neat, tidy, smart, safe and practical appearance at work. Jewellery worn must be consistent with health and safety and professional standards, and must not obstruct or prevent an employee carrying out their duties.


The International Organization for Standardization (IOS/ISO), is an independent, non-governmental organization, the members of which are the standards organizations of the 163 member countries. It is the world's largest developer of voluntary international standards and facilitates world trade by providing common standards between nations.
Over twenty thousand standards have been set covering everything from manufactured products and technology to food safety, agriculture and healthcare. Use of the standards aids in the creation of products and services that are safe, reliable and of good quality. The standards help businesses increase productivity while minimizing errors and waste. By enabling products from different markets to be directly compared, they facilitate companies in entering new markets and assist in the development of global trade on a fair basis. The standards also serve to safeguard consumers and the end-users of products and services, ensuring that certified products conform to the minimum standards set internationally.

Here are some of the responsibilities of the International organization for standardization (IOS/ISO):

▪Risk management.
Risks affecting organizations can have consequences in terms of economic performance and professional reputation, as well as environmental, safety and societal outcomes. Therefore, managing risk effectively helps organizations to perform well in an environment full of uncertainty.

▪Food safety management
The ISO 22000 family of International Standards addresses food safety management.
The consequences of unsafe food can be serious and ISO’s food safety management standards help organizations identify and control food safety hazards. As many of today's food products repeatedly cross national boundaries, International Standards are needed to ensure the safety of the global food supply chain.

Industry standards are a set of criteria within an industry relating to the standard functioning and carrying out of operations in their respective fields of production. In other words it is the generally accepted requirements followed by the members of an industry. It provides an orderly and systematic formulation, adoption, or application of standards used in a particular industry or sector of the economy. Industry standards vary from one industry to another. Industry standards facilitate global as well as domestic competitiveness. It is a crucial tool for developing and meeting industry goals.
For Example in the automotive industry, tire sizes and durability must fall within a standardized range. Standardization serves as a quality check for any industry.

Industrial safety covers a number of issues and topics affecting safety of personnel and equipment in a particular industry.
The following topics are generally discussed:
General Safety -General aspects of safety which are common to all.
Occupational Safety and Health -Particularly associated with the occupation
Process and Production Safety -Safety in the process and production etc.
Material Safety -Safety of the materials used in the production. Workplace Safety -Safety issues directly related to the workplace.
Fire Safety -Fire safety, in particular the risks associated to the industry
Electrical Safety -In general and in particular, arising from the equipment used.
Building and Structural Safety -Safety in general including installations as per existing building code.
Environmental Safety -Issues of environmental safety (direct or indirect impact of the industry)
ISO 45001 is intended for use by any organization, regardless of its size or the nature of its work, and can be integrated into other health and safety programmessuch as worker wellness and wellbeing.
It can assist an organization to fulfil its legal requirements.

Over 6300 people die each day from work-related accidents or diseases -that’s nearly 2.3million every year.
The burden of occupational injuries and diseases is significant, both for employers and the wider economy, resulting in losses from early retirements, staff absence and rising insurance premiums.
To combat the problem, ISO is developing a new standard, ISO45001,Occupational health and safety management systems -Requirements, that will help organizations reduce this burden by providing a framework to improve employee safety, reduce workplace risks and create better, safer working conditions, all over the world.
The standard is currently being developed by a committee of occupational health and safety experts, and will follow other generic management system approaches such as ISO14001 and ISO9001.
It will take into account other International Standards in this area such as OHSAS 18001, the International labor Organization's ILO-OSH Guidelines, various national standards and the ILO's international labor standards and conventions.

Using energy efficiently helps organizations save money as well as helping to conserve resources and tackle climate change.
ISO 50001 supports organizations in all sectors to use energy more efficiently, through the development of an energy management system (EnMS).
ISO 50001 is based on the management system model of continual improvement also used for other well-known standards such as ISO 9001 or ISO 14001.
This makes it easier for organizations to integrate energy management into their overall efforts to improve quality and environmental management.
ISO 50001:2011 provides a framework of requirements for organizations to:
•Develop a policy for more efficient use of energy
•Fix targets and objectives to meet the policy
•Use data to better understand and make decisions about energy use
•Measure the results
•Review how well the policy works, and
•Continually improve energy management.

The world of electrical installations is not always straightforward.
Working on an international project electrical engineers are often bewildered by the extensive amount of electrical standards and wiring regulations which determines their decisions. Electricity has become an essential of modern life, both at home and on the job.
Some employees work with electricity directly, as is the case with engineers, electricians, or people who do wiring, such as overhead lines, cable harnesses, or circuit assemblies. Due to the size of this standard we recommend you visit this site for more information.

Safety and quality are non-negotiables in the medical devices industry. Regulatory requirements are increasingly stringent throughout every step of a product’s life cycle, including service and delivery.
More and more, organizations in the industry are expected to demonstrate their quality management processes and ensure best practice in everything they do.
ISO 13485, Medical devices –Quality management systems –Requirements for regulatory purposes, is an internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for a quality management system specific to the medical devices industry. It has recently been revised, with the new version published in March 2016.
Most SDOs produce standards (sometimes called specifications or protocols) for a particular healthcare domain such as pharmacy, medical devices, imaging or insurance (claims processing) transactions. Health Level Seven’s domain is clinical and administrative data. Health Level Seven is one of several American National Standards Institute (ANSI) -accredited Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs) operating in the healthcare arena. “Level seven” refers to the highest level of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) communications model for Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) -the application level. The application level addresses definition of the data to be exchanged, the timing of the interchange, and the communication of certain errors to the application. The seventh level supports such functions as security checks, participant identification, availability checks, exchange mechanism negotiations and, most importantly, data exchange structuring.

The name Health Level 7 symbolizes the seven-layer International Standards Organization (ISO) Communications Model:
▪1. Physical: Connects the entity to the transmission media
▪2. Data Link: Provides error control between adjacent nodes
▪3. Network: Routes the information in the network
▪4. Transport: Provides end-to-end communication control
▪5. Session: Handles problems that are not communication issues
▪6. Presentation: Converts the information
▪7. Application: Provides different services to the applications

The Computer Industry: Wiki Content by: Janet Apter, Rose Giannini, and Cindy Sundermanand GOS’ Retrieved from http://people.duke.edu/~goodw010/Wiki/hwswstds.html
From a user's standpoint, standards are extremely important in the computer industry because they allow the combination of products from different manufacturers to create a customized system.
Without standards, only hardware and software from the same company could be used together
A definition or format that has been approved by a recognized standards organization or is accepted as a de facto standard by the industry.
Standards exist for programming languages, operating systems, data formats, communications protocols, and electrical interfaces.
Why do we need standards / why we use them?

There are four ways that a standard can be developed: Ad hoc method, De Facto Standard, Government Mandate Method, Consensus Standard.
Ad hoc method -a group of interested people and organizations agree on a standard specification. 
It is informal and are mutually agreed on by the participating groups.
De Facto Standard -A single vendor controls a large enough share of the market to make its product the market standard. An example of this type would be Microsoft.
Government Mandate Method -A government agency creates a standard and legislates its use. The Centers for Medicare & Medical Services (CMS's UB92) insurance claim form is an example.

Consensus Standard -A format, language, or protocol that has been approved by formalized committees that are open to participation by all interested parties and operate on a consensus basis.

Most health care standards are produced this way. An example is Health Level Seven International (HL7).
Standards Organizations:
·        ANSI –(American National Standards Institute),
·        ITU –(International Telecommunication Union),
·        IEEE –(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers),
·        ISO –(International Standard Organization),
·        VESA –(Video Electronics Standards Association)
ANSI-American National Standards Institute. 

Founded in 1918, ANSI is a voluntary organization composed of over 1,300 members (including all the large computer companies) that creates standards for the computer industry
ITU -International Telecommunication Union is the leading United Nations agency for information and communication technologies
As the global focal point for governments and the private sector, 
ITU's role in helping the world communicate spans 3 core sectors:
Radio communication, standardization and development. More info http://www.ansi.org
ITU also organizes Telecom events and was the lead organizing agency of the World Summit on the Information Society.
ITU is based in Geneva, Switzerland, and its membership includes 191 Member States and more than 700 Sector Members and Associates.
It is an on-profit organization, and is the world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology.
More info http://www.itu.int 
IEEE -Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers name was originally an acronym for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Today, the organization's scope of interest has expanded into so many related fields, that it is simply referred to by the letters I-E-E-E (pronounced Eye-triple-E). More info http://www.ieee.org

The importance of organizing your work area. Whether it is your home office or your desk at work, getting your space organized can increase your productivity and minimize your stress level. Once you establish a systematic method of keeping things in order, you will save time and energy. After you have completed a review and revision of your work space, maintaining the de-cluttered area is your ultimate goal. Five minutes spent planning and organizing at the beginning and end of each workday will keep things under control.

The importance of organizing your work area. Whether it is your home office or your desk at work, getting your space organized can increase your productivity and minimize your stress level. Once you establish a systematic method of keeping things in order, you will save time and energy. After you have completed a review and revision of your workspace, maintaining the decluttered area is your ultimate goal. Five minutes spent planning and organizing at the beginning and end of each workday will keep things under control.

Before you begin the process of clearing out the clutter, try a visualization technique. Close your eyes and picture your workplace streamlined and free from mountains of paper piles, half-filled coffee cups and paperclips. Seeing the result in your mind’s eye should enhance your motivation for getting the job done. The second part of the process is preparation. Assemble organizational tools, such as file folders, labeling pens, storage bins, file organizers, a large trash can and a shredder.

Where to Start
Sometimes the most daunting dilemma in getting organized is where to start. Self-proclaimed minimalist and author of "Unclutter Your Life in One Week," we recommends you will get the greatest satisfaction from dealing with the section that bothers you most. If it is that bottom desk drawer jammed with all sorts of debris and paperwork dating back to the last decade, you have just identified the starting point. Once you have shredded old documents and organized the remainder you will notice an immediate difference in your attitude toward the importance of getting your workspace in order.

Not all of us will be as lucky as the ones in this video.

Let’s be better, by taking early precaution!

Identifying Hazards.

Identifying Hazard. The practice extends from traditional offices to industrial workplaces, including factories, warehouses and manufacturing plants that present special challenges. Such as hazardous materials, combustible dust, sharp edges, wet floors and other flammables. Anything that can cause spills or tripping such as cords running across the floor or ice. Anything that can cause falls such as working from heights, including ladders, scaffolds, roofs, or any raised work area.

Ergonomic Hazards. Witch we can discus as a topic to itself. Every occupation places certain strains on our body. Ergonomic hazards occur as a result of physical factors that can harm the musculoskeletal system (MSDs). This type of hazard is not easily identified, examples of this hazard are poor lighting, repetitive motion, awkward movements, and poor posture.

Computer parts disposal, electronic recycling or e-waste recycling is the disassembly and separation of components and raw materials of waste electronics. This would typically include printed circuit boards (PCBs) such as motherboards, power supplies, graphics cards, memory RAM sticks and hard drives.  Although the procedures of re-use, donation and repairs are not strictly recycling, there are other common sustainable ways to dispose of IT waste.

Back in March 2015 The National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) of Jamaica started to collection of electronic waste. With the rapid growth of Electronics and increasing consumer spending on Electronic items, the NSWMA is planning to either seek a permit or partner with a private sector company or a Non-Government organization (NGO) to export the items collected. She said the waste will be properly stored in a secured area and individual’s data will be removed if not done before. For more information on disposing electronic equipment visit Jamaica information service (JIS) http://jis.gov.jm/nswma-begins-pilot-collect-e-waste/

Evaluating the Risk.

Evaluating the Risk. Experts agree that all workplace safety programs should incorporate housekeeping, and every worker should play a part. •Consult your employer about data disposal policies.
•Delete and overwrite sensitive files  
•Delete your browsing history.
Getting rid of your old computer? You can ensure its hard drive doesn't become a treasure chest for identity thieves. Use a program that overwrites or wipes the hard drive many times. Or remove the hard drive, and physically destroy it.

Look at this video example 

Report and clean up spills and leaks.
Keep aisles/passage and exits clear of items.
Consider installing mirrors and warning signs to help with blind spots.
Replace worn, ripped or damage flooring.
Consider installing anti-slip flooring in areas that can’t always be cleaned.
Use drip pans and guards.
Employees are responsible for keeping unnecessary combustible materials from accumulating in the work area. 
Combustible waste should be stored in covered metal receptacles and disposed of daily.
Keep combustible materials in the work area only in amounts needed for the job. When they are unneeded, move them to an assigned safe storage area.

Housekeeping and Tools Used.

Dustpan - They are used to collect dust and garbage from the floor and putting it into the dustbin. 
Dusting Cloths - They are soft cloths used for wiping dust off surface. 
Mops - Swiffer’s and other waterless mopping systems may work great for light clean-ups, but for thorough floor cleaning you need a good mop
Broom - a broom must be part of your tools. The ones with soft flexible bristles will pick up more dust and get into those hard to reach places.
Buckets – When using mops and rags, sturdy buckets are an essential part of your housekeeper’s toolkit. You’ll need a couple different sizes for big jobs like mopping floors and smaller ones for other cleaning tasks.
Rags -Nothing beats good old cleaning rags for those tough, dirty projects. Old towels, T-shirts and socks all make good cleaning rags. They can be washed and reused many times before wearing out.
Brushes − they are handheld flat brushes with bristles to dust the plain surfaces as well as the corners. They come with non-slip handles and stiff scratch-free bristles. They help removing stubborn dust.
Janitor’s trolley − It is a trolley that stores cleaning supplies such as detergents, spray bottles, dustbin, mop, and dusting cloths, all in a compact manner. 

It can be moved around easily.

Industrial Standards

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